Monday 18 February 2019

Soulish vs Spiritual Christian

Soulish vs Spiritual Christian

- Soulish Christians are controlled by their soul - the emotions and thoughts and their intellect.

- Spiritual Christians are led by the Holy Spirit

- Soulish Christians react based on how they feel

- Spiritual Christians respond based on the promptings of the Holy Spirit

- Soulish Christians desperately want to reason things out, and are busy seeking proofs and justifications

- Spiritual Christians walk in faith, and not by sight

- Soulish Christians are propelled to live the Christian life by their natural human zeal

- Spiritual Christians are propelled to live the Christian life, by experiencing the love of God, and responding to that grace in love and humble submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

- Soulish Christians are moved by the intellect and magnificent power and creativity of God

- Spiritual Christians are moved by the heart of God!

- Soulish Christians read the Bible to know about God, and to see what He can do

- Spiritual Christians read the Bible to know God, and to see who God is - His character and His heart

- Soulish Christians can get worn out very quickly in their walk with God, as they tend to use their own strength

- Spiritual Christians renew their strength day by day, by waiting patiently on God, and they are sustained and carried by the grace of God

- Soulish Christians talk a lot about God

- Spiritual Christians talk a lot with God

- Soulish Christians focus on spiritual activities

- Spiritual Christians focus on spiritual living - Walking in the Spirit

Is it bad to be a soulish Christian?

            It is a great thing to know about God, to talk about God, to marvel at His great knowledge and intellectual design that we see around us and to research His great power and the wonders of His miracles. But, we should not forget that there's more to God than what the brain can comprehend! It is His character and Heart that's all the more beautiful and precious, and it is in our deepest heart - in our spirit through the enlightenment from the Holy spirit - that we can begin to comprehend it. Being a soulish Christian could mean that we're missing out on the core of who God really is.

How can a soulish Christian grow to become a spiritual Christian?

           A soulish Christian needs to let go of his intellectual reasoning in order to go deeper and to experience God in a whole new level. He needs to shed his pride, become poor in spirit, resting on God's grace alone, and be completely vulnerable and transparent with God, to know and walk with Him, in deeper levels of intimacy.

May we all receive the grace to live this life for God, by being led by the Holy Spirit, for He alone can enable us in living out God’s will in God’s way. Amen.

Summary: We are called to love God with all our heart, and all our mind, and with all our strength! (In that order)