Saturday 9 May 2015

Faithful Deliverer!

Psalm 34: 19
Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.

         Those who are cleansed with the blood of Jesus are the righteous. And if we are made righteous by God through Jesus, that does not necessarily mean that our life would be a bed of roses. In fact, the Bible says that we would have to go through more problems and sufferings. But there's a blessed promise that comes along with it! No matter how many problems we go through, how many troubles and sufferings come upon us, the LORD will faithfully deliver us from ALL OF THEM! God will never leave us nor forsake us.

  Our life in itself is a wonderful proof of GOD'S faithfulness. When we just look back at our lives, there would've been times when we thought that the problems that we were facing then, would consume us, would torment us till the end of our lives. But hurray! We have come through it all and in fact we are better off now than we were before. God promotes us after we overcome each trouble and that's Why we can see that we are stronger, more patient, more gentle and more loving with every passing test. Looking back at How the LORD delivered us from the ten plagues in Egypt will give us increased faith to face to Red sea without grumblings and to trust God for a miraculous deliverance. If we are in a situation where we find ourselves caught up in the problems of our lives, look back and count how faithful God had been in the past. After some days, we will remember the current trouble we are going through now and be thanking God for his wonderful deliverance!

Praise the LORD, for HE delivers the righteous!! In John chapter 16 verse 33, the LORD Jesus gives us a wonderful assurance, "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." We have a God who has overcome the world and our troubles are no match to What HE went through and so, let us be of good cheer for our God is our Faithful Deliverer!

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