Saturday 9 May 2015

The Tower of Refuge!

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.

         A tower is a strong architectural element, which is usually built as a place of refuge. When we are amidst the storms of life, living in a world of dangers, we have a strong refuge - the Rock of ages (Jesus) - that can cover us up and protect us when we need protection, and can comfort us when we are disturbed. What a blessed assurance is that! Whatever comes across our way today, we can freely run to the mighty Tower, where there is no harm or danger, but unlimited comfort and protection. 
Let us be aware that there may be other worldly towers, like the Tower of Babel (which could mean trusting in one's own accomplishments) and the Tower of Jericho (which is the trust in our seemingly strong and helpful society). But remember the fates of these towers, as described in the Bible. They Will fall when you least expect it. They will forsake you when you are in a desperate situation! Let us not be foolish to hide under the wrong towers (trusting in our own strength and accomplishments like Nimrod; or trusting in the power and strength of the city and society like the people of Jericho) which seem strong on the outside but can become rubble in a moment!

         We have witnessed the vulnerability of the worldly towers in the modern era also, for who would've thought that the two tallest towers(The Twin Towers) of the strongest country(America) could be demolished in seconds? The unsinkable ship may sink, the safest and the strongest aircraft could be lost with no trace, but those who trust in the LORD will be safe and sound! Blessed are we, who have our strength and trust in the only TRUE REFUGE which is bullet-proof, fire-proof, water-proof, stormproof, fool-proof, depression-proof, disaster-proof and terror-proof. Let us remind ourselves every morning that our God is our only source of refuge.  Challenged by life? Run to the Tower of Divine Help. Burdened by cares? Run to the Tower of Divine Comfort. Weakened in faith? Run to the Tower of Enduring Hope. Hurt and wounded? Run to the Tower of Divine Love. The LORD alone is our defense. Let us run to HIM - the strongest and the most comforting Tower of Refuge - whenever we want HIS warm embrace to cheer us up when we are discouraged, and to strengthen us when we are weakened!

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